Thursday, March 6, 2025

Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Insurgent Army Question


Russia frequently claims that there are Nazis in Ukraine. Here is a closer look on people and organization they call Nazi: Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

During 20th century, when Ukraine was part of USSR, an underground liberation movement has emerged in Ukraine, Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists. During WWII some members of OUN saw opportunity to fight for independent Ukraine and formed Ukrainian Insurgent Army. UIA successfully fought against both Nazis and Soviets for more than a decade in complete isolation deep behind iron curtain.

Stepan Bandera was leader of Ukrainian Insurgent Army. For Ukrainians he is as much of a hero as George Washington is for Americans. Bandera did not won independence but did a great effort at getting there. He and UIA killed a lot of Soviet officers, generals and other officials, preventing effective Soviet control over Western Ukraine until middle 50s.

However, Bandera's tenacity and resilience made him extremely hated among Soviet secret police. To slander Bandera, they labelled him Nazi and spread lies about him in Soviet propaganda. Because of these lies many Russophones erroneously see Bandera as Nazi.

After Ukraine regained its independence after the collapse of USSR, Ukrainians tried to fix their history after years of Soviet propaganda and lies. Eventually they succeeded in giving Stepan Bandera hero status. Veterans of UIA also got the same official status and benefits as veterans of Red Army.

However, these developments angered Russia. Russia wants to impose its interpretation of history on all post-Soviet states and could not tolerate Ukrainians exposing truth and challenging official Russian lies. Eventually this became one of the reasons for Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russian interpretation of history is dishonest and self-serving. Ukrainian leaders should be judged based on what they did for their country, not how much Russians like or dislike them. Stepan Bandera and Ivan Mazepa fought for Ukraine against its enemies, including enemies from Moscow. The fact Moscow wants to erase. Because of that Russia should not be allowed to tamper with Ukrainian history and interpretation of events. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

How to Approach Peace Negotiations to End War in Ukraine

Recent events showed that Trump is hellbent on achieving peace. Some say he is pro-Russian, but truth likely in the fact he represents isolationist Americans who dislike any foreign involvement whatsoever. Trump ponders to this group's desire to "end war as fast as possible". Americans like it fast after all

For Ukraine that means that battle will move from battlefields to negotiation table. Russia will try to get on negotiation table what their troops failed to conquer using clever arguments to disguise their imperialist ambitions as something Trump could agree with. Ukraine should come up with their own clever arguments against anything Russia likely to demand while possibly adding some demands of their own. This is a task for someone with good communication abilities, perhaps even someone like Kuchma or Timoshenko should be present at negotiation table to argue Ukrainian cause.

America is very far away from Russia and Ukraine both geographically and mentally. Americans hardly understand even UK, that is close to them culturally. All they "know" about Russia and Ukraine are bunch of myth and a few tall stories.

That was true of Biden's administration as well. It did not matter though as Biden simply deferred to UK to explain things to him in simple terms. Instead of explaining the long history between Russia and Ukraine that led to this war, Brits put it simply as "Ukraine fights for freedom against Russian aggression, send money and weapons to help."

Trump does not incline to just trust what Europeans say, but he himself knows too little so his diplomacy stumbles into strange debris. He wants to end war but has no idea how to approach the problem. Lack of understanding of Ukraine situation makes him open towards exploitation by a cunning enough negotiator. Putin and his crew are just such cunning negotiator. 

Russia clearly sees that as an opportunity to get concessions on the negotiation table. Russian diplomats managed to get on Trump good side and convinced him that it is Zelenski who does not want peace. 

Instead of presenting Trump with outrageous bucket list of demands, like they did to Ukraine and Europe at the beginning of the war, they tell Trump they want peace and democracy. However, as one team of Russian negotiators smother Rubio and other Trump officials with assurances of good will, the other one keep shouting the same old demands to Ukrainians and Europeans. A clever tactic to divide the US and Europe. 

Trump does not know details of Russian original ultimatum to Ukraine. Russia pretends like it did not happen at all, acts in front of Trump like they want nothing of sorts, while at the same time signaling to Europeans and Ukrainians that these demands are still on the table and there will be no peace until Russia gets it all.

Despite pointlessness of negotiations with Russia, Ukraine and Europe has to once again play this game. Coalition of the Willing (Ukraine and Europe) should bring best negotiators and destroy Russia in this diplomatic game. Russia's evil intentions have to be exposed in this way or Trump and his administration will never realize the truth and will sleepwalk into giving Russia everything it wants.

Trump administration on the other hand should insist that Russia officially refute its original demands to Ukraine and Europe. That can reassure Ukrainians and Europeans that new negotiations will not be a simple repetition of the 2022 where Russia demanded what amounted to capitulation of Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Hopefully we will get some progress here.

On Churches in Ukraine

Recently I heard on X that Zelenski closes churches and that somehow concerns American religious right. While that possibly true, there is a good enough reason for him to do it, existence of Moscow Patriarchate Church in Ukraine

This is a church controlled by Patriarch of Moscow, Kiril. He is close ally of Putin and uses Churches under his control to advance Russian agenda. That includes churches in Ukraine who got instructions from Moscow to describe Russian aggression as "holy war" in their sermons and pray for Putin's victory and Ukraine's destruction. Russia has always treated its official church as a tool of political influence and Russian churches across the globe brainwashes its members with Russian propaganda. Patriarch Kiril, who has close ties to Putin and controlled by Russian FSB, makes sure these churches do and say what FSB wants them to. Thus, churches under Moscow Patriarchate are not genuine houses of God, but tentacles of overreaching Russian big government that stick its nose where it does not belong.  

Such pseudo-churches simply cannot be allowed even in peace time, much less in war. Thus, it is only natural that Ukrainian parliament will ban this organization.

I need to clarify that ban does not mean that churches that people attend will close. Far from it, it only compels individual churches to break their ties with Moscow and stop obeying their instructions. Churches could join newly established Orthodox Church of Ukraine or form another association not controlled by Moscow and continue to work as before. Sure, there could be disruptions in church operations as Russia will not want to lose their "churches" and would disrupt church operations using hired thugs to protect their "propaganda assets". Ukraine should be assisted in dealing with these thugs to liberate its churches from Moscow control.

One of the reasons for Russian war in Ukraine was likely establishment of Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartolomew wanted to unite disparate churches of Ukraine into one strong patriotic church with international recognition and free from Moscow control.

Moscow did not take that lightly at all and literary excommunicated Patriarch Bartolomew. Russia and Patriarch Kiril behaved like a middle-age inquisition and Salem witch hunters. A lengthy conflict ensured that continues to this day.

In light of this conflict, it is hypocritical for Russia to now claim that its stands for religious freedom and oppose bans on churches. In Russia itself any Orthodox church outside of Moscow Patriarchate will not be allowed to operate at all, yet Russia insists that it should be different in Ukraine. That is double standards and hypocrisy. 

Finally, a single state church is actually a norm throughout Europe. Lutheran and Anglican tradition favors that approach. Catholics go even further and have unified global structure. American practice with fully independent churches with no hierarchies above them is unique to the states. Churches outside the US operate closer to Episcopal Church (United States)

In Ukraine there are no fully autonomous and independent churches like Baptists or Methodists have in the US. Instead, there are several conflicting structures, similar to Episcopal Church. One of these is a branch of Russian church that Moscow uses as tool of influence.

In line with this establishment of Orthodox Church of Ukraine is step in the right direction that creates national church for Ukraine. UK, Germany and Scandinavians all have the same arrangements for their own national churches. In like with that OCU should be able to unite and operate all or most of the churches in Ukraine. Russia should not be allowed to interfere with this process with religious colonialism of Moscow Patriarchate.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Possible Explanation of Recent Trump Actions


World is currently shocked and appalled by how Donald Trump treats Zelenski and Ukraine. Some talk about treason and even global re-alignment where the US will side with dictators against freedom and democracy.

I however have another more interesting explanation of Trump actions. That is one aside from usual pandering to domestic audience. Many in Republican party do not like Ukraine or high spending. Cutting aid and attacking Zelenski will please this crowd. Both Trump and Zelenski have years of past TV experience. They could have agreed to that spat in advance, and they just played the script in front of cameras. Zelenski could have got something in exchange.

However, there is one more even more interesting explanation. In his book, Art of Deal, Trump claimed that he does deals not for money but for kicks and trills of it. Somewhat similar to protagonist of this show, Akagi. Perhaps he decided to play a high-stake political game against Putin.

Thus, Trump's recent actions are a swipe at Putin. Cutting aid to Ukraine might look like helping Putin however it can also be seen as reducing stakes. According to some analysis the US aid under Biden was not that significant, but it allowed Putin a veneer of an illusion that he fights against combined the combined Western effort to destroy Russia. With so many theoretical "opponents" at the same time Putin could claim he was doing pretty well for circumstances he is in. With no more aid from the US Putin will no longer have the same argument to play, he will have to face the fact he is losing to Ukraine alone, not Ukraine propped by American weapons.

Due to Putin's control of media in Russia it will not have impact inside the country, I already wrote about this problem in several of my other articles. Putin will still be able to claim America helps Ukraine even if it does not. So long as Putin controls the media, he can spin any fact he wants and put any events upside down. To take him down inside Russia, media monopoly has to be blocked.

However outside of Russia many other nations will start to re-evaluate the power and status, Russia has. They will see that Russia is much weaker than Putin claims it to be. At the same time, they will see that Ukraine is much stronger than people originally thought. Russian status will plunge.

Second is reason for these actions is to evaluate what kind of person Putin is psychologically. Repetition of the same will simply give us the same results. Doing something radical and unorthodox just to see Putin's reaction can give some insights on how to beat him. Typical Akagi's strategy. Trump possibly can pull off something like that as well.

In fact, Trump can even sign some peace deal with Russia, give them false impression they have won. Zelenski can always ignore these deals just like Putin's puppets in DNR and LNR used to ignore results of Normandy peace process.

These actions will pull Putin from predictable landscape he calculated his plans for into an unpredictable and chaotic field he is not familiar with. That could lead to mistakes that would cost him dearly. 

Putin's original plan for war in Ukraine works irrespectively if Russia wins militarily or war drags out indefinitely. Both of these outcomes are good for Putin. If that is the case only something unorthodox can somehow kick him off his feet and defeat him. Trump could possibly pull something like that.

Here is my take on geopolitical mahjong with human lives and principles at stake.

Nonetheless going against Putin's control of information is much more sure option. It has less risks and no drawbacks. It worked in original Cold War so it should work again.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Why Ukraine Refuses to Negotiate with Russia

After Trump's recent pivot towards Russia and Russian conditional acceptance of negotiations "to end war" some people might get false impression that Russia wants to end the war and Ukraine stubbornly refuses.

Zelenski responded to Russian recent that engagement with Trump by saying that Putin is proven liar, and Russia does not really want peace. Here I will explain what it means.

True that Russia agreed to negotiations, however Russia does not plan to negotiate in good faith. Russia wants negotiations because their military could not destroy Ukraine so now, they want to try and destroy it with words and cunning tricks. 

Russian negotiators are cunning and experienced. They are skilled at using fallacies and other dirty tricks to win on negotiations table what their soldiers could not win on the ground. Engaging them carelessly is harmful to one's wellbeing. Their poisonous words can destroy.

I will explain how it works on the example:

Recently in their negotiations with Trump they proposed the following formula, first is ceasefire, followed by election in Ukraine and then actual negotiations for peace terms. At first that sound like a peace deal, however if you look closer it is just a fallacy aimed at distracting Ukraine while buying Russia time to regroup and strengthen their war effort.

First of all, that final line: negotiates peace term. Russia clearly sees ceasefire as temporary and wants table its real demands after the elections in Ukraine. What these real demands are is anyone's guess. They could amount to literal capitulation and Refusal to sign it will be interpreted by Russia as legitimate reason to restart war. The whole effort of holding election and doing other things will be for nothing.

Second. Holding elections takes a lot of time and effort. In peacetime it is a necessary for a functioning democracy. In war time however it can be a deadly distraction from a war effort. Time Zelenski spends campaigning is time he does not spend fighting war. That disrupts command and control and puts war effort in jeopardy. Zelenski has no time to spare campaigning. Electoral campaign will distract common soldiers too, instead of being united for the country they will ponder virtues of different candidates, differences in opinion could jeopardize unity of military units. Because of all these reasons holding elections during war time is dangerous and can hand over victory to the opponent. Russia knows that and that is why it wants Ukraine to hold elections. 

Russian own martial law, that Putin did not activate because he does not consider events in Ukraine war (he calls it "special military operation"), also postponed elections in time of war. Internationally UK did suspended elections during WWII until after Victory in Europe, so Ukraine's postponement of elections is nothing undemocratic. 

Even if Ukraine hold an election there is no guarantee that Russia will recognize the results and agree to negotiate with the winner. Russia already declared Zelenski illegitimate. Despite disputed over his ratings he will likely win again. People in Ukraine are divided between 5 to 7 candidates with each at around 15% rating. Among them Zelenski is still in the lead. If election held and Zelenski wins there is a good chance that Russia will again call him illegitimate and refuse to negotiate. 

Even if Zelenski will not win, popular alternative candidates are all supportive of war effort. There is no chance that Russia friendly politician will emerge as victor and will agree to Russian demands. Fundamentally no matter who wins Russia will not recognize results and it will be for nothing. The whole trouble will be for nothing. However, change in government will disrupt chain of command and it will give Russia advantage on the battlefield. 

Since Russia will near certainly refuse to recognize results of Ukrainian election, their whole proposal is nothing more than a ruse to make themselves look like doves and cast Zelenski as warmonger. EU and the US should be wiser and see through Russian lies.

If by off chance Russia is genuine about these peace efforts, then they should prove it so that EU and Ukraine could trust them. 

Fundamentally there is nothing to negotiate about this war. Line of control is a de-facto border. After 3 years of war, it is so fortified that any offensive operations are near impossible. Accept that and stop fighting or do not accept and keep fighting. There are not any negotiable terms that are acceptable to either party. There will be no surrender of any land just because some piece of paper says so. There will be no obligations on Kyiv government. Nothing to discuss. 

If Russia wants peace if can just stop fighting. Since Russia does not do that, it means it wants war.

Friday, February 28, 2025

On Future of War in Ukraine


Too many people recently claimed that Ukraine is losing the war and has no chance of winning. Some even said they had to make peace while they still have a country left.

All that could not be further from truth. Back in 2022 everyone expected the war will be over in 3 days or so. 3 years on and we are still fighting.

This reminds me of a similar war a while back, 7 Years War. Back then each member of the quadruple alliance significantly outnumbered Prussia and expected the war will be over in half year time maximum. War lasted much longer than that, Prussia and Frederic the Great persevered and managed to survive despite losing even losing its capital to occupation once. In the end Prussia retained all its land and invaders lost most of their armies and significantly damaged their economies. In France it even resulted in revolution. Later Prussia went on to unite Germany and became great power in its own right.

Ukraine is much better position that Frederic the Great was back then. Russia cannot significantly threated Ukraine in any way. The only thing Russia can do is to make snail-pace advances on the fringes of Donbas, losing tens of thousands of troops per each small town in its war. If that continues Russia will simply run out of troops long before it reaches Kyiv. Even if Russia can send the entire North Korean military to fight this war for them, that will still not be enough to win. What else Russia can tap into, Chinese? 

I personally doubt that even entire Chinese army could move the front line all the way to Kyiv. As I outlined in my other article, the further north one advances in Ukraine, the stiffer resistance gets. If Russia struggles to advance through indifferent to Russia friendly parts of Ukraine, then what is going to happen when they reach patriotic areas where civilians will oppose them like they did in Chernihiv.

Some might that Russia has nukes and can use them. Even if these nukes are not dysfunctional due to corruption but actually operational, there is no way Russia will use them. Russia does not want to suffer international consequences, and it will look weak if they cannot win without use of nukes. Aside from that, the plant that produced Soviet ICBMs is located in Ukraine and Ukraine can use it to arm itself with nuclear weapons.

Finally, after the end of WWII, Ukraine's Insurgent Army fought for decade without any support from anyone. Now that they have a country and decent defense industry that produces many weapons, they simply cannot be destroyed.

This war will not destroy Ukraine, it will destroy Russia and its motley crew of allies they still have across the corners of the world. Assad in Syria is already finished. North Korea and Iranian Revolutionary Guards are next. Ukrainian meatgrinder can process them all into corpses without many issues.

Finally on America. Fundamentally what Trump says or does matters surprisingly little. Ukraine can continue its fight without many problems even if he cuts the assistance completely. Europe sent majority of weapons to Ukraine, and they fully intend to continue this assistance. Turkey will continue to supply Bayraktars. Ukraine's own weapons manufacturing can supply the ZSU with most weapons with exception of smart missiles and drones.

Ukraine is much stronger that people willing give it credit for. In future we will see greater Ukraine stretching from Carpathians all the way to Ural Mountains. 

On the other hand, Russia refuses to heed wakeup call that it is no longer a superpower, but a sick old man of Europe. Back in 18th century Russia taught that to Ottomans, who back then still saw themselves a superpower who could dictate the world its will via ultimatums. I guess now Ukraine has to explain to Russia what it means to not be a superpower anymore.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Lifecycle of Nations and Countries (Expanded and Improved)

In one of my previous articles, I mentioned how Russia 200 years ago was like the US nowadays and how modern Russia is like Ottoman Empire was 200 years ago. I think this concept can be broadly applied to any country or a nation. Countries are born, grow, become mature, reach apex, the gradually age and eventually die, just like people and other creatures are. 

Country's lifecycle is of course much larger than that of a human, but it can still be measured in years, country years. There is a concept of dog age where each year of dog's life is equated with 5 years of human life. Dogs live 13 to 18 years, about right compared to humans' 60 to 90. For a country a 10 to 8 years of country life is equivalent of one year of human life. Countries last between 700 and 900 years. Some die earlier, but that is akin to human premature death from accident or a disease. However, no nation could continuously exist longer than that without major transformation.

Some might disagree and say that many nations count many thousand years as their history. To that I can argue that during such a long period of time these nations always experienced several major events that dramatically reshaped them. Such events are akin to a death of a previous nation and birth of its successor. Thus, in human term new iteration of a nation can be seen as a son of the previous one or another type of successor.

For example, modern Republic of Turkey in a young nation that just about to reach its teens. Yes, it is a successor and descendant of Ottoman State, but it is very different country. Mustafa Kemal founded a different nation in Ankara when Ottoman State and its Sultan and Caliph still existed and then fought a war against it until he won and expel the Sultan, ending the Ottoman State, like a child, whose birth kills its mother. Mustafa Kemal envisioned his Turkey as a different kind of country compared to the Ottoman State. United by Turkish nationalism and westernization instead of Islam and tradition, it had different government, army, culture, even language. Pretty much everything was new and different.

Similarly say England can be seen as having 3 different iterations. I would not call formation of UK to be such events as a lot of government was carried from the England. Instead, I would call End of War of the Roses as birth of modern English nation. War of the Roses killed off the entire original Royal family, leaving succession in the hands of relatively distant Henry Tudor who would not be even considered eligible at all under Plantagenet era rules. Norman-Plantagenet England can be considered father of modern England, but it was a very different kind of country compared to Tudor England. In contrast certain Tudor practices and tradition can still be seen in England nowadays. For example, Parliament became institutionalized as a deliberate assembly only during Tudor times. One can trace its history further back to Magna Carta and beyond, but back then it was only occasional irregular gathering of various people King wishes to consult on issues. Idea that such meeting has to be formalized, held regularly and used to govern came later, it emerged from Tudor reign. Similarly, a Saxon England can be seen as grandfather of modern England as it too was vastly different from Norman England that replaced it.

How country's life unfolds over the ages

Life of a country can be compared to that of a human. Country goes through the same stages of life. First 100 years can be considered formative years that are akin to childhood. Country mostly builds itself internally, creates and shapes key institutions, stabilizes borders, creates a sense of national identity as well as understanding of itself and its place in the world, national myth. 

I would be inclined to count chaotic times as part of country's early lifespan. People are born naked and screaming after all. So, in couple of decades or so time when it all stabilizes country is about 2 years old baby in human age.

That is followed by a teen year, where country tries to assert itself and claim its place in the world. That is often chaotic phase of change and going back and forth on different issues.

That in turn followed by young adulthood where country knows what it is doing and moves ahead to claim its place in the world.

Country reaches its peak power around 250 years in, 25 years old in human age. Country it is at max power and full of youthful energy. For sportsmen 25 to 35 years is peak of their ability. After that they are not as good as they used to be, it is the same for countries.

Next 100 years can be seen as a golden age of sorts where country enjoys fruits of its labors and revel in their glory.

That followed by a mid-life crisis where a coup or revolution changes the country from within. 350 in country age and 35 in human age.

Eventually a more sober and wise but also often aging and wary country emerges afterwards. They likely lost some land and power but are not completely helpless yet.

That period of gradual decline lasts for another 100 or 150 years, before country gets truly old and frail. Afterwards their continued existence is often dependent on some other nation's interest to preserve them for their own interests. While some countries can live longer, most live about as long as medieval Kings, 50 to 60 years old.

Sure, many humans live longer, some countries too, but geopolitics is dangerous world, and few nations could live in defenseless retirement solely on good will of its neighbors.

For example, Russia, that emerged out of Time of Troubles and Ivan the Terrible reign, had relatively calm and peaceful most of 17th century. The newborn country tried to understand itself and its place in the world. Few stable Tsars who ruled long time and stayed out of trouble.

That followed by a rule of energetic and maximalist eternal teen Peter I who energetically tried to shape the country into global empire with upsets mixed with victories. He was followed by a series of coups and incompetent rulers who nearly run country into the ground due to their lack of any idea of what they are doing. Despite that they did what they did with vigor and energy of youth.

Finally at around Catherine II time Russia emerged from turbulent teens and finally got to build that empire that Peter I envisioned. Just in 50 years' time Russia was defeater of Napoleon and pre-eminent power.

Times between 1814 and 1914 can be seen as Russian 19th century golden age.

That was followed by midlife crisis of October Revolution and subsequent communist phase.

Finally modern Russia is more than 100 years past revolution and is close 50 years old in human terms.

Since Russia is yet to live its terminal ages, I will switch to Ottomans instead. After their defeat in second Battle of Vienna and the Great Turkish war. Ottomans managed to live whole 219 years of declining ages. 

In 18th century their defeats were 50/50 mixed with victories. They were no longer invincible but were not defenseless either. They fought their wars themselves, won some of them, lost others, but could not be destroyed completely. They could not advance as far as they wished but Danube proved a good enough defensive barrier to stop their enemies, but Ottomans could not advance north of the river either.

In 19th century they however could not hold out on their own and only survived another 100 years because UK had vested interest in keeping them alive.

Ottoman state in turn begun its existence in 1300s. Once again for the first 100 years it did not do much as these were its formative years where it features took shape and developed. In 1400s Ottomans begun its expansion, by mid 1400s it made splashes by taking Constantinople and ending Byzantine Empire. A series of wars with Christians during this century were as turbulent as teen ages. These times however saw Ottomans grow into a superpower. By the time of first siege of Vienna in mid 1500s Ottomans reached its peak power. Again 25 years old in human terms.

That was followed by 100 to 150 years of Ottoman supremacy that ended with second siege of Vienna and subsequent loss in Great Turkish war. The following 18th century, as I outlined before, was time of mixed results and overall decline.

These are just examples. I can write similar stories for other countries out there as well. In general, I think this metaphorical way of looking at countries by comparing their lifespan to that of humans can give one a good insight into nature of nations and patterns of history. That will allow one to predict future and better understand reality and history. I hope more will see wisdom of my approach to countries and history. 

Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Insurgent Army Question

  Russia frequently claims that there are Nazis in Ukraine. Here is a closer look on people and organization they call Nazi: Stepan Bandera ...