Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ukraine-Proper Oblasts redistribution

I mentioned that current oblasts do not correspond to historical regions, but that is not the only flaw the oblasts have.

Oblasts' borders are yet another trick Soviet government used to foil Ukraine. Oblasts are created to be as unmanageable and ungovernable on local level as possible. 

That was done to make them dependent on central government on pretty much every issue. For Soviet style government it works but for Western style empowered regions that is woefully inadequate.

Almost nothing in any of the oblasts could truly be accomplished on local level alone and central government has other concerns that to micromanage every oblast. 

Because of that oblasts have to be redivided. In Ukraine proper they should be made bigger and in South-East generally smaller but with exceptions.

Here are new oblasts for Ukraine Proper.

Historical Regions of Ukraine


First of the Western Ukraine Regions.

Unlike Galicia that lies south, Volhynia is flatlands, much like most of Ukraine.

However, unlike many other regions of Ukraine there is no any major rivers in the area.

Historically unlike Galicia was once part of Lithuania before was transferred to Poland, but it was not part of Austria while Galicia was.

Historical Volyn consists of modern Volyn and Rivne oblasts, as well as parts of Zhitomir and Khmelnitsky oblasts. 

I think they should be reunited under name Volyn


Map also includes Polish part of Galicia. Lemberg is modern Lviv

Galicia is the remaining southern part of Western Ukraine

Uncharacteristically for the rest of Ukraine, it is mountainous region that goes all the way to the Carpathian Mountains that used to divide a lot of countries in Europe. 

However, despite or may be because it is different this area is almost a heart of Ukraine, or a brain.

It is home to Lviv, a cultural, linguistic, artistic and civilizational capital of Ukraine.

It is in this region that Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought for Ukraine's independence from USSR for the entire decade.

For this reason, is also an area most hated by all Russian chauvinists who decry all of its inhabitants as Nazi Banderites and even believe that the rest of Ukraine could be turned into another Belarus if only Galicia disappears.

For these reasons Galicia should be strengthened and enhanced to keep Ukraine together.

This area mostly consists of modern Lviv, Ivano-Fankivsk and Ternopil Oblasts.

Considering Russia managed to heavily smear term Galicia I would suggest that united oblast should instead be called Western Ukraine Oblast or Greater Lviv Oblast, however that should be up to the inhabitants.


Podolia means territory along the valley. In this case valley of Bug River.

This region is far from Russia but close to Moldova who is smaller than Ukraine.

Because of that it probably preserves the most pure Ukrainian culture without much influence from either Poles and Austrians in the west or Russians in the east. Moldovan influence in the region most likely limited to vine manufacturing.

The area consists of all Vinnitsa oblast, most of Khmelnitsky Oblast as well as parts of Cherkassy, Kirovohrad and Odessa Oblasts.


I think Kyiv should unite with Kyiv Oblast and that Kyiv oblast terrioty should be further enhanced with remainder of Zhytomyr Oblast as well as southern parts of Chernigov oblast.

Kyiv city will only grow further, and it needs space to grow.

Chernigov oblast should instead get northern most part of Sumy oblast.

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