Monday, August 14, 2023

How to Fix Russia. Create Veishnoria.


Many speculate that Putin goes to war because he or even Russians generally have a lot of irredentist and Imperialist ambitions. 

There are sure some people who have such ambitions and Putin likes to pamper them so that he can count on their support against other demographics. 

Putin went to war to keep his power. How that works is complex. I described it in one of my previous blogs here. However the fact that Putin needs war does not mean he needs to conquer Ukraine as he claims or even win at all.

In fact, an alternative solution that will shore up his power in Russia will work just as fine for him.

And I have that kind of solution.

What he needs it to move capital into Ekaterinburg and cede Moscow and surrounding areas into an independent nation. Actual borders can differ, but it will be alright if it will include Moscow, Tver, Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk and Kaluga Oblasts.

Reasons to do it are explained in CGPGrey's Rules for Rulers video.

Both prosperous educated democracies and completely backward dictatorships are perfectly stable. Revolutions only happen is in the middle grey zone between two extremes, where there are some educated and connected people. So in order to become stable Russia either has to become fully educated, globally connected and prosperous, or in countrast completely backward and reactionary like North Korea and Turkmenistan.

Russia is unstable because it has two types of people:

Educated and westernised who are concentrated mostly in the capital. Then can use internet and speal English and access global information. Because they have access to it all they of course want freedom, democracy and quality of life things available in the West. No matter what Putin does he will not be able to convince them that undemocratic Putinism is better than the West.

Because this group is so well educated it is prone to emigration to the West, anti-Putin protests and even has potential for an insurgency similar to Ukrainian EuroMaidan.

However, there is also another Russia further away from the capital and western borders. These people are not so globally connected or educated. There few have internet or even offline computers. Few understand English language to communicate with their peers globally. 

Because they hardly understand what democracy even is, they do not especially want it. They do not understand difference in life between Russia and the West at all.

So far Putin was more of less reliant on this group to keep him in power. However, they are far in the hinterlands and those who hate him are in the same capital city he himself resides and works.

However, there is a simple solution to this problem. He can simply move capital further east away from western borders and then simply cede all the educated Russians into a new country.

The new country even has a name and a flag. Veishnoria with its white, blue and white flag will be a perfect name for this nation.

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