Tuesday, August 8, 2023

On Work and Education.

By now education is more of a waste of time.

It does not guarantee good life and further and further out of touch with reality.

In fact abolishing it altogether would be useful, but conservative thinking people would agree with that.

We need more FRD-ims, Reaganism and Thatecherism to simply abolish outlived nonsense and move into a future.

We have industrial robots to manufacture things for us. Instead of simply abolishing work, like a smart people would do, government invents jobs simply to keep society how it was before industrial robots. This shitty jobs of course do not pay well as they are fundamentally useless. 

As jobs fundamentally do not matter, then management does not care if anyone hired to do that or not. In fact they even prefer that no one is hired to do it as it prevents money from being wasted. They hire moronic assinine HR who reject people left and right but pretend that they try to hire someone. That gives HR undue power and force everyone else to simply beg for a shitty jobs with shitty working conditions and work culture, or stay unemployed by choice if they are smart.

By now there is nothing left but an ugly hierarchies or people who are abused by their superiors and in turn abuse their subordinates.

We need a heartless, stubborn, uncompromising reformer (like Lelouch or people I mentioned above), who would simply destroy this stupid shit in one fell swoop. Who will ignore all the naysayers saying that it destroys society and what not, just as they used to when FDR made new deal or Thatcher fired all the miners. 

"Work is obsolete and everyone who disagrees is a braindead moron and should be exterminated together with the work and old world order." - Thor's manifesto.

Going back makes no sense. That is just like luddites back in the days were destroying factories because they took small artisans out of business and the artisans did not want to put up with that.

The kind of going back that will de-robotize and return jobs to humans even more absurd.

Why work when we can live in a utopia?

Boomers (hippies) and Generation W (yappies, early Gen X) problem is that that boomers refuse to see the future and Gen W actively work to prevent future from coming. They are modern luddites or the Holy League that wished to stop the spread ideas of French Revolution because they upset the existing order.

Back in the days Holy League opposed liberty and equality because they feared of losing their privileges to the common men. Their place on top of social pyramid in lucrative government positions was only guaranteed by the inequality system and losing it would mean losing power, money, status and everything really. They lost them in the end.

Nowadays boomers and Gen W also oppose robotization and abolition of work because even more absurd idea that 'people should work, duh'. Retards do not even have a real stake in it like priviledged classes of the Holy League, but still stubbornly resist it. Just because they hate Millennials and do not want us to have it easier than them. That kind of scum they are. Part of them are scum but the other part are oblivious to reality idiots. Surprising how former enemies (hippies and yappies) are now tightly united against late Gen X (work/life balance transitional generation) and Millennials (doomers, ninjas and grim reapers who will put an end to their shit eventually).

Finally all we need to do with withdraw health care and aged care and they will die out as they cannot survive on their own. In fact they are the most useless and worthless parasite, known to men. The parasite, government wants us to feed and take care of. Ridiculous I say.

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