Thursday, September 21, 2023

Anatomy and History of Communism

Lenin said that 'religion is opium for the masses'. 'Communism is heroin for the masses' I say. A heavier drug with even worse aftereffects.

Well, there are many different things that were called communism and socialism.

Marx himself even once said 'if that is what they call Marxism now then I am not a Marxist'.

It got way more convoluted and twisted ever since.

According to Marx, but not according to Marxists, communist will happen organically as part of natural development of economy, when overabundance becomes a thing. Society and economy would gradually develop from capitalism to socialism(welfare state thing according to Marx) and then to Communism. It would require changes to policies to accommodate this reality. Basic Income for example.

According to Marxists on the other hand, communist could be established via revolution by decree. Marx said it would not work this way. They tried in USSR and failed.

So nowadays:

Communism became associated with what USSR was and North Korea and Cuba is. (Some lefties do not like that term Communism is used to describe these regimes and call them Stalinist instead.)

Socialism is abroad idea of more equal social organization. I think nowadays it often boils down to making every business a co-op by law.

Democratic Socialism - Co-op businesses and democratic form of government. Bern describes himself as such but analysts call him Social Democrat instead.

Social Democracy - Market Economy and high social spendings on poorer people. Welfare State or Socialism according to Marx. Scandinavian model if you like. To the extend practiced everywhere in Western world nowadays.

Social Liberalism - As above but with more personal freedom. My favorite kind of.

Also there is difference between Capitalism and Market economy. Then can exist together but not always.

Market economy is when goods and services are trader freely on open market. Without monopolies, where there is only one supplier or buyer.

Capitalism is economy controlled by capital.

Capital means money needed to establish a business.

Therefore Capitalism is when only those who posses sufficient amount of money to establish a business could do so.

Well a cold reality of sorts.

In better societies capitalism is mitigated with easy credit and generous labor laws to even playing field and give everyone a fair go.

In worst examples on the other hand, capitalism divides society into privileged elite who do posses means to establish a business and the rest who do not. Those who do not have capital, have no other choice but to work for those who do.

That creates two class society of privileged business owners and landlords (Marx called them bourgeoisie) and those who work for them and pay rent (proletariat). Inequality between these two classes sometimes produces revolutions.

By virtue misfortune of being a member of lumpen-proletariat class, who does not posses means to establish a business, not does own a house. I tend to support left ideologies and politicians who cater to my and my class interests.

Well, me self-publishing a book is an attempt to become a petit-bourgeoisie, but since it does not sell well, I am still in lumpen-proletariat class.

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