Sunday, September 3, 2023

Some Notes on Nistory of Switzerland

I like Switzerland as a country, it just sits there in their own mountains, being all rich and developed, and looks how all sort of people around them doing their own stupid things. People think it is pacifist or something, but its military actually one on the strongest in the world. They stay neutral because they could not be bothered to conquer the world. It is like me in a way or a guess the way I want to be.

They began as an alliance of three micro nations and beat Austria for their independence. They won many other wars despite being heavily outnumbered. Then they made a lot of money by offering other countries their uber strong armies. France was their regular client and with their help was able to win a lot of wars in 17th and 18th centuries. 

Nowadays they probably have enough money and clot to simply rule the world from the shadows by pulling strings of their numerous puppets.

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