Saturday, September 30, 2023

Universal Faith

I was thinking recently that Muslims managed to sell the idea of women being inferior to men and should be subordinated to them at all times using their religion. 

They just say that God made women inferior to men and wills for them to be subordinated and obedient to men and it works. It made their women obedient and reshaped their societies. 

Perhaps it also allowed them to spread this idea far and wide.

In contrast people ban me on internet forums if I try to push for that in a straight face way without brining any justification.

So, I was thinking that maybe I need to start my own religion, that will incorporate these ideas, but will also mix them with other good ideas here and there. 

In fact, while at it I can even flesh it out into a cohesive full-fledged religion.

I think we can call it something like Universal Faith. 

Universal to Unite the World

I think many other people before me wanted to create something like a religion to unite the world around it. I am not opposed to uniting the world per se. I used to oppose religion because I do not want to be told what to do or believe.

However, since I will be creating a brand-new religion, then why not create something that can unite the world. That will allow my new religion to get more supporters. People who want religion to unite the world will likely join as well.

To make it even more universal, famous personalities of other religions should all be included into Universal Faith. They can be called Wise Men, Seers or Oracles. Oracles were specially blessed people who managed decipher some secrets of the universe and taught these secrets to humanity.

Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha and many others can be included in this group. Each of them should be elaborated further as to what message they brought to society. Jesus taught people importance or mercy, generosity and love towards fellow man. Prophet Muhammad taught men how to lead the society and made women to submit to male authority. Buddha taught people that suffering comes from ignorance, stupidity or anger and that one should avoid these feelings to avoid suffering and be happy.

Pagan gods too should be added as Oracles who each taught humanity a piece of their wisdom.

Male and Female Relationship

We will begin with this issue. It is a reason why I am creating this new religion in the first place.

Issue with women not being obedient enough affect many people and places over the globe. Making women obedient is desired by many people: not only those who practice BDSM, but also by Alt-right, Donald Trump supporters and many other groups. However, there is currently nothing that can solve this issue.

Because of that if this new faith will be able to address this issue, it will be able to gain supporters and eventually take over and unite the world. It will be able to convert alt-right and other such radical groups into this instead.

Theology/Psychology on Gender Roles

As for actual theology to explain and justify it. Then:

There are huge and irreconcilable difference in psychology between men and women. These differences make each gender uniquely suitable for their own particular role in a society and relationship.

The fundamental rules of the Universe, that existed since the creation of the Universe, made genders fundamentally different from each other. Completely and irreconcilably different

Men, by their nature, are free and independent. These qualities allow them to lead and create new things and advance civilization. Thus, they should rule and lead. In doing so they will advance society towards new and better future.

In contrast women by their nature are inferior and subordinate gender. Since women are a subordinate gender, then men should take control and lead them. Tell them what to do, what to believe and how to behave. 

Due to differences in their psychology: women make poor leaders, but good subordinates. In contrast men make poor subordinates but make good leaders or independent actors. Because of that men should lead make all the rules and women follow these rules.

Women should never be made or allowed to make decisions. They are psychologically unsuitable for that. Men should make all decisions for them.

While women should be told to be obedient, men should be told to lead them. People should be told that female psychology makes them unsuitable for making decisions, so men should make it easier for them, by deciding everything for them on their own.

Different Social Structures for Each Gender

Because of differences in psychology, each gender should have different social structures that would allow them to live and function in society better.

Male idea of authority

Fundamentally every man wants to be on top. No man would simply acknowledge authority of some other man. Men detest hierarchies and do not want to be under someone.

Because of those men created democracy, so that every man's opinion is heard and counted.

When men select their leaders, they want someone who will listen and accommodate needs of everyone in the group ideally or work out compromises that will satisfy most of them.

Men do not like authoritarian leaders who just do what they want and ignore everyone else's needs.

Men do not like religion with a God on top. Men are naturally atheists. 

Female idea of authority

In contrast to men women actually like authoritarian leaders who forcefully push their will through.

Women do not want to be on top. Instead, they want to see strong manly alpha men to lead and rule.

It is this woman's logic that is behind totalitarian movements and governments of 20th and other centuries. It created communism as it was in the USSR.

Since women love authoritarianism, they should be controlled by a strong hierarchy with powerful leader on top. 

Such leader can as well be God. Because of that a new Universal Faith should be created to rule over women.

How to go about it

Since women need to be led by someone, then a religious authority should lead them and control their lives.

In contrast men should not be subjected to someone else authority as much as possible. Men should be given freedom to do what they want. 

Men however should be taught how to be the authority themselves. How to lead and control women.

There should be a democratic structure for men to govern their side of society. For men decision should be made by consensus, or by vote.

In contrast there should be authoritarian structures for women. A Universal Faith should control female lives. An all-powerful God and Creator on top of this hierarchy should serve as justification of the Authority of Universal Faith.


Because of all of the above Universal Faith will be able to unite the world and solve the relationship problem.

With that humanity will finally be able to advance into the future we all need and want.


Finally, we can use 9-point star as a symbol of the Universal Faith. See picture above.

5-point start is too generic, everyone uses it. Islam uses 8-point star and Judaism 6-point start. Georgia and Australia use 7-point star. No one uses 9-point star.

9-point star not only looks good and distinctive enough, but also allows a notion of progress, it takes from past but makes it better. More sophisticated and advanced.

Outward points of the star stand for male superiority and far reach of their ambitions. Inner angles stand for female humbles, inferiority and willingness to submit. They are connected to each other to show that men and women need each other. Repetition of this pattern shows that it is Universal and unites all people. 

It also looks somewhat like a sun, because it shines upon humanity from its heights and keeps people warm and happy with its wisdom. 

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