Sunday, April 21, 2024

What Determines Outcomes of Wars

You do understand that wars are fought using Airforce who bombs down common solders and military installations they could not even see from up there while flying supersonic speeds.

It makes 0 differences if they all as frail as Hatsune Miku or as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger, given enough fuel and bombs, either US(A)AF or Luftwaffe would obliterate everything and win. The only thing that decides outcomes of wars is the amount of fighter jets, bombers, bombs and jet fuel. Outcome of WWII in particular did boiled down to who could produce more aviation fuel.

All this effort and strength and friendship prevailing over adversity is Hollywood fantasy.

Just for those you who want to ask how it was before aircraft was invented. Artillery was fulfilling role of the Airforce, gunners would fire at enemy positions from many kilometers away based on information from scouts on where the enemy is located. Given enough guns and shells they too could obliterate everything no matter how strong or weak they are.

In future (and partly even today) wars will be fought using unmanned drones controlled remotely by a guy behind computer. Outcomes of future war might as well depend on how fast one can hit keys on keyboard or how well one can handle a joystick. So gamers who play violent video games are future war heroes. As well as programmers (software engineers) who program the drones.

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