Monday, May 20, 2024

On Anarchism

Since I support certain anarchist ideologies, I decided to write about how I understand anarchism. After all there are many conflicting definitions as to what anarchism actually entails.

First of all, I do not support chaos that is often associated with anarchy. Bunch of drunk idiots wreaking havoc is not what it is about.

Also, I do not believe in abolition of state. Complete abolition of state will create a vacuum of power that would be filled with violence by the strongest gang that will enforce its rule over the society. Abolition of state will lead to Kraterocacy rather than Anarchy.

Finally, both Anarcho-Communism and Anarcho-Capitalism is impossible. 

AnCap does not work because without a state with police and army, there is no one to enforce any property rights. Thus, people could simply kill the owner and take possession of the property. Anarcho-Egoism would rule supreme, until it becomes Kraterocracy.

AnCom similarly does not work, as without state people would simply take all someone produces leaving everything in short supply to non-existent. Knowing it could just be taken immediately after its finished, people will stop producing anything. Eventually society will devolve into foraging for food like in AnPrim before becoming Kraterocracy ruled by violence.

Now that I outlined what anarchism is not, I will outline what it is. The most important part here is no authority. By that I mean no authority over individual. Rule of law that is associated with liberal democracy is a step in that direction. 

However, we should not stop at just that. We should go further and maximize individual freedom by minimizing any authority an individual can have over other individual. Various hierarchical structures, religion, ideology, family and abusive relationships all take away that individual freedom. We should oppose them and strive towards Individualistic, even Autarchic society, where every individual can do whatever, they want. That is what Anarchy, particularly Anarcho-Individualism is about. No Gods or Masters over individuals. Freedom

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