Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Conservative Complacency

I often criticize various progressive and left-wing causes. Woke is insane and provide never-ending reasons to oppose it.

However right wing is full of their own problems and the biggest of them is self-righteousness. 

Just a while ago on X someone posted a simple question about income inequality, and it spewed a shitstorm of rightwing shit in comments. Half of them just downright said that it is wrong or immortal to criticize inequality or complain about it. Others added how most people "deserve to be poor". In the opinion of the modern right wingers that is capitalism.

However actual capitalism was different. In 19th century capitalists invented joint stock companies. They offered people shares of their business in exchange for their financial contribution. Seeing benefit for themselves people bought these shares and using all these money big companies were created. These companies later transformed the US into a superpower we know today.

In fact, even medieval Kings and so-called robber barons had to offer followers material incentives if they wanted to get anything done.

In contrast all modern self-proclaimed "capitalists" can do nothing but call equality wrong, free stuff immoral and minimum wage destructive. Unlike their 19th century predecessors, these "conservatives" have nothing but empty rhetoric full of self-righteousness. 

However, if you cannot offer people anything but excuses on why "they deserve to be poor" it's only fair that they turn to someone who can offer them actual money. Someone like Bernie Sanders or Andrew Yang. 

A very capitalist principle of the auction. Your business impotence and right-wing drivel was outbid by Andrew Yang's UBI. You have only yourself to blame. Turns out capitalism was uncompetitive and lost people to UBI.

In contrast UBI is actually better represent spirit of original capitalism. Shareholders have to be paid dividents and UBI is a dividend on USA or <Insert Your Nation Here> Inc.

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