Thursday, January 30, 2025

How Rightists Actively Create their own Arch-Nemesis, the Left

Rightist have only themselves to blame for the rise of the left.

The rightist problem is that they want to breed huge underclass to serve them. Due to their naivety, they assume this underclass will be perpetual servants to them while remaining second class citizens forever. However, they only reason to believe so hinges on religion and moral.

However, underclass is not stupid and eventually realizes that moral and rightist values are against their self-interest. Then they start voting for leftists to tax the rich (rightists) to feed themselves.

When that happens rightist cry "socialism" and blame what not but not themselves for this. However ultimately it is rightists own fault it ended up like this. Their own stupidity and naivete led to this outcome.  

So, when rightist make another baby without making sure they will have enough land and wealth to inherit or another clear pathway to prosperity, they create future leftist who will vote to tax their own stupid parents and pay themselves welfare out of these money. 

Congratulations rightists, now go and breed more leftists you will later bitch about in 20 to 30 years' time. After all the only thing history teaches us is that is does not teaches anything.

Plus, a little picture to think of: BTW I am LibCenter.

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