People in the West tend to wonder too much over what kind of person Putin is. Some think he is insane Hitler incarnate and near literal devil. Others see him as ultra strong macho type, near Arnold Schwarzenegger or Steve Irvin. Even professional analysts seem unable to penetrate through the thick fog of Russian government lies and often repeat the same old stereotypes.
Putin depictions too tend to exploit the same themes. For example, Family Guy once depicted Putin in their sitcom as tough shirtless horse-riding macho. Reality could not be further from truth.
However, there is one sitcom that got Putin surprisingly well, despite not actually trying to depict him. The sitcom is Simpsons and the character in question is Monty Burns.
Month Burns is both old and old-fashioned. These traits sometimes make him do things that make no sense to other characters as well as to viewers. Monty Burns himself however has clear idea what he is trying to do and tend to insist on doing it his way.
Doesn't that remind you of Putin? He insists on opposing liberal democracy and western values, he justifies his war in Ukraine with arguments that make no sense to an average Western person, he likes various plans as much as Mr Burns does, he even has a loyalist (Dmitri Medvedev) who looks somewhat like Smithers without glasses.
They look alike too, Putin's long nose gets wider close to the end, just like that of Mr Burns, they both are half bald.
Putin is like Mr Burns in more than just superficial things. Putin thinks like Mr Burns and acts like Mr Burns too.
Putin is a pragmatic villain that breaks any rules he can get away with to get an advantage. His tough guy image is just a facade to mislead people over his true nature. He is not a tough guy; he is smart and shrewd guy who tries to outcon others in a game of politics.
His strength is his intelligence and knowledge of various inns and outs of various rules. He is like a chess player who sees the board many steps ahead compare to average politician or political analysts. His moves are for the goals that are not apparent at all.
His aims for his policies and war in Ukraine just as opaque and obscure. He wants a disruption for disruption's sake. Because when everyone is distracted with war, they cannot notice other things that happen in the background. Just like Akagi explained in the second part of episode 9. Putin muddies waters elsewhere while everyone looks at his war in Ukraine.
Where he muddles waters is everyone's guess. That is what CIA and SIS should look into, what else were happening in the background of the war.
I have some leads. Housing crisis, refugee crisis, cost of living crisis. All these are not just by-products of Putin's war but are his actual aims. He rocks and damages Western society while everyone else thinks he is focused on war in Ukraine he started.
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