Monday, October 30, 2023

On Leadership and Why Men are dying out in Russia

A response to this. However, it also covers many other issues.

Nishizumi Miho is sympathetic leader of course. She is the kind of person a group of men can elect as their leader.

Different Leadership for Different Genders

Guys in general want to make sure 'the leadership' will look after their interests and needs. That is why public companies have boards of directors and government has parliament or other assembly.

There is another theory of leadership, that is of 'strong leadership', but that is how girls choose their leaders.

That is why countries where females are majority of population, such as Russia and Belarus, are ruled by authoritarian dictators.

Countries where men are a majority ruled by democratic governments instead.

Women do not get democracy and men do not get autocracy.

How different style of leadership affects different genders.

That is why women in democratic countries go nuts, think men are weak and fap to Putin's shirtless photos. Sometimes they marry black or some foreign people because they think foreigners are not as weak as locals are.

On the other hand, men in authoritarian countries cannot put up with dictatorial bullshit. They either pack their bags and emigrate to democratic countries or become alcoholics and drink themselves to death. After all, no man can put up with Putin's rule, unless he is completely wasted.

That makes gender imbalance in places like Russia and Belarus even worse and eventually will lead to a complete collapse of such societies.

Sparta with its 'strength and warrior ethos' that praise strength and despised weakness collapsed on its own head and completely died out. Now Russia and Belarus set to repeat this history.

Life Expectancy

To add to the problem Russia and Belarus has the biggest difference in life expectancy between men and women compare to all other nation in the world. Men just do not survive in that toxic place long enough. Use this table and sort it by gender gap and you will see.

Russia just does not care for their men at all. Because when the government uses riot police to beat you instead of listening to your problems and does what you think should be done, that shows that they do not care for you.

Thus, it only makes sense to move to a country that does care.

By extension Russian women on average also do not know how to care for men.

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