Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tory-Putin Alliace

It was somewhat surprising to me why some right wing is so supportive of Putin. The 'love for authoritarianism' that many news pundits claimed, sounded grossly incorrect to me.

However recently I figured out why right wing tend to go easy on Putin:

The money.

Right wingers want cheap labor to work their numerous jobs. However, labor laws and such force them to pay a living wage to citizens as well as people with legal right to work. People without legal right to work however can be exploited and forced to work for much less money. I outlined how it works in a separate article a while back.

However, what can possibly cause so many people without legal rights to flood the western world.

The answer is war. Russian invasion in Ukraine caused a lot of people to flee Ukraine. Many ended up in the Western Countries. There are Russian intermediaries already waited for them with offers of 'help'. Refugees who know nothing of the countries they ended up in would gladly take on help of some people who will organize everything and will even help them find work in the new place. 

Work will not pay much, but people from Ukraine would not even know how much is the minimal wage in Australia is. The fact that in Australia rates are set by hour and in post-Soviet states it is monthly instead. 

So technically they will not even lie to refugees when they will tell them that minimal wage is $20. They will not clarify that is it per hour and will even promise to get them a 'whooping' $300 or $500 if they are generous. Per month of course.

Of course, these very same organizers will then resell the labor of these people to businesses in Western countries for a lot more than that, pocketing the difference. However, it will still be less than actual legal minimum wage so businesses will gladly take the offer.

More self-conscious and wicked will even try to stop any aid to Ukraine so that Putin's war will produce even more refugees for the illegal labor machine.

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