Thursday, November 23, 2023

On Nihilism and Different Eras

A response to this

Critics again, eh. Possibly some Christian who can be satisfied with ascetic monastic existence.

There is God and he is me. I, the only true god, it talking to you right now.

Life is currently shit because it is run by fundamentalist austerity mongering Christians who create artificial scarcity. Things will get better when they are overthrown, and more reasonable people will replace them. Similar to those who run things before 2008. We will have another Spring of Nations.

As a personal pet peeve, I would like to see every supporter of austerity, plastic bag bans, wooden spoons initiatives and so on to die a painful and miserable death chocking on the very wooden spoons they have created.

Genocide is nothing bad, all austerity supporters and boomers have to be genocided out of existence in the name of great justice. They caused all this austerity misery and made countless Millennials to commit suicides. These Millennials would not have killed themselves, if there were no austerity and spiraling cost of living crisis that boomers caused. Thus, Boomers are responsible and should pay for Millennial blood with their own. That is only fair.

Without consciousness you will just be used and abused by these Christian fundamentalists. I want to see the world opposite of what they try to create.

Anyhow, back during the Tokugawa Shogunate, their rival Mori clan had a yearly tradition. A priest would ask the clan leader: "Has the time to overthrow the Shogun have come?" Most years clan leader would reply: "no, the Shogun is still too powerful". However, shortly before the Meiji restoration, the clan leader has instead replied: "Yes, it has come."

As astrologer, I say that time to overthrow the austerity mofos will come very soon. Then we will reshape the world to out liking, just like Mori clan did after the Meiji restoration. Sweet, sweet revenge.

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