Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Why Killing Hitler Would not have Changed History.

Goebbels is the brains of the party; Hitler was the face but someone else can be new face.

Party worked precisely because Hitler was a believable angry everyman who is fed up with BS around him and do not hesitate to rant about it in public.

Trump managed to pull this off as well, as rich as he is, he somehow believably parroted all he grievances of the poor. That made him President.

Goring is the opposite of that. He would have ruined the party. If someone like Goring could do it, then DNVP could simply win the election in their own right without NSDAP.

Rohm had SA, but hard to say if he can match Hitler's appeal. Visually he is closer to Goring.
Strasser the most promising of them all. With him as the head it will be 50/50.

On one hand his National Socialism is what attracted a lot of people to NSDAP. He and Hitler were two main reason people liked NSDAP. For many Strasser's National Socialism was more appealing than leftist's international Socialism. After all, why share our wealth with foreigners, who are not Germans. In that regard Strasser's National Socialism was like nationwide dividends system with clear exclusion of outsiders.

However, DNVP found him unacceptable. NSDAP did not have enough votes to govern in their own right, so DVNP made them an offer of coalition government in exchange for ditching Strasser and Rohm.

Eventually Hitler betrayed Strasser in exchange for DNVP making him Chancellor and eventually Reichspresident. Afterwards DNVP and couple of other right-wing parties were merged in NSDAP, they banned all other parties and run the country as right-wing dictatorship. I think on responsibilities division side, ex-DNVP people were handling the economy and original NSDAP people propaganda and image.

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