Saturday, February 3, 2024

Difference Between How Identity Works in Russia and in the West

The way identity works in Russia is very peculiar. It's different from the West where you can just say I am Dutch or Irish for example and people will just accept that. I myself started to take advantage of that recently, trying out different identities.

However, for typical Russians it's the proficiency in Russian language and not self-identity or citizenship that determines who is Russian and who is not. People essentially equate Russophone with Russian. 

That leads to difficulty with both opting in and out of this identity. People will still think you are Russian even if you say you are not. Similarly, they will refuse to consider you Russian even if you want to be accepted.

Poland, that confers its citizenship to many Americans of Polish descent as well as Greece who does not allow renunciation of their citizenship are also an example of such logic. For Poles and Greeks once a Pole/Greek, always Pole/Greek.

Differences with how identity works leads to confusing and misunderstanding between Russia and the West. For example, Russian invasions into Ukraine is justified to public using the fact that there are some native Russian speakers in areas concerned. That is what makes broader Russian public to consider it a defensive war, no matter how ludicrous that sound to those outside of Russia.

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