Friday, February 9, 2024

Nazi and National Socialists

I was using these terms interchangeably in my writings. Nazi sure is short, simple and conveys the message.

However, reality is Nazis were completely blackwashed by Soviet and partly even American propaganda. USSR needed a devil like entity to glorify and justify its own existence. Americans too needed a convenient villain for their Hollywood movies.

Image of Nazi portrayed in propaganda only loosely based on actual people who government Germany at the time. Propaganda Nazis are nothing more than senseless brutes who would like to exterminate the entire earth population only Germans remain. Actual German government was much more sensible and pragmatic over what they did.

I have little interests in propaganda about Nazi, its nothing more than comic book level villain story. What I am interested in is actual National Socialists who governed Germany back then and things they did.

I am not going to justify them completely as they indeed committed many crimes against humanity and were authoritarian and illiberal. I am not a neo-Nazi, who would like to endorse this ideology in its completeness. I do not support totalitarianism or one-party rule.

To be completely fair I even sometimes partly justify pre-Stalinist USSR. Before Stalin created his totalitarian system in 1933, USSR was not completely bad.

However National Socialists were not all bad. They had a sensible gender relationship policy that would have prevented mess with divorces that boomers created in the US and commies in the USSR. Man would not leave an obedient and subservient woman. Women would be able to have relationship under National Socialism.

National Socialists also put a great deal effort into development of science. They also had decent policies, aimed at improving standards of living for the poor. Something very much needed in our modern life.

A lot of National Socialist decisions were necessary evil to stop the Stalinism from taking over the world. Stalinism won and we saw Gulag, Mao and Pol Pot. If Hitler would have won, there would be no further communist crimes against humanity. I wrote a separate article to explain why communist purges were worse that than of National Socialists.

National Socialists are nor the biggest devil out there. Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and such committed much more hideous crimes and their justification for these crimes are much worse than that of German National Socialists. Germans acted based on cynicism and real politics, Communists on nothing more than wishful thinking.

Because of all I wrote about National Socialism, world really ought to reevaluate the reality of this ideology. Not through the lenses of victor's justice but through the reality of what they tried to achieve.

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