Monday, February 12, 2024

On Whatifalthist and Why Christianity is Brain Poison, created by old people to Oppress the Young

I occasionally like to watch this rather interesting YouTube channel, called Whatifalthist. The guy in charge of the channel is well knowledgeable and makes many smart observations about different eras and people. However, he always falls short when it comes to making sound conclusions out of these observations. Most of his videos begin with interesting observations, but then end with way off conclusion that would not stand the test of any logic. There are occasional exceptions to this rule here and there.

For a long time, I wondered why knowing all that he constantly makes wrong conclusions on pretty much every topic he covers. Even before I watched his videos with a grain of salt, never fully agreeing with him or trusting him completely. However, in his recently video against modernity he finally revealed it himself. He is Christian and wants to promote his faith against modernity and Gnostism.

However, that video did more than just gave me a clear picture of author himself, it also allowed me to better understand Christian opponents of modernity and progress. It's nowhere in video itself of course, it's an independent idea I got watching it.

Why Christianity is Brain Poison, created by old people to Oppress the Young

Christianity is just a religion for old people. It exists because old people are afraid of death and do not want to die. They selfishly wish to be cared for to extend their pathetic lives couple of more years using sophisticated medicine and nursery homes.

However, there is no good reason for a young person to care for an old one. There could be a reason to care for your children for example as there are continuation of your genes and future of our civilization. However old people are nothing more than the past. They will just die and all effort on them will go to waste. That is why old people use Christianity, a religion that glorifies sacrifice to poison minds of the young. Christianity promises its victims life in paradise with God after death to fool them into wasting their life on Earth for the sake of these old parasites.

Because old people cannot adapt to the modern technology and the world the resent it altogether. Even if they can use modern technology, most are not as comfortable with it as young people are. 

Nostalgia for the past it also presents in elderly. They long for the times, when they themselves were young and capable rather than frail and weak.

A young person is better at using computers so if an old person wants to rig the competition to win, he has to make it about something old, only he knows how to use. Thus, old people push for preservation of all traditional industries and tools, so that they can still look capable by operating some outdated machinery, no one else cares about.

Old people also like animals precisely because they wish to overcompensate for their own deficiency. Compare to a dog even an old person is a capable being, dog will not betray or ignore him either. Its but a helpless animal compared to a human. Just as an old person himself is nothing more than helpless relict of the past compared to someone young. 

Old to young is what dog is to a human. Except our elderly is behaving like the most spoiled cat. Its long time to dump them.

Social Progressivism is modern Crypto-Christianity 

In this resentment of all things new and modern old people found useful ally in Christianity. in a particularly vicious stain of it. Christianity was never an honest religion. 

This iteration however takes hypocrisy to a new level. This time Christianity disguises itself as progressive ideas, such as feminism, multiculturalism, transgender fluidity and so on. This grotesque toxic fake modernity is contrasted with traditionalism and Christianity to fool more people into rejecting modernity and embracing tradition. 

However, that is false strawman analogy to make people choose between fake feminist modernity and traditional Christianity. There is nothing modern in feminism and everyone who claims that it a hypocrite.

Modernity is computers, internet and sending spaceships to space. It has nothing to do with feminism. In fact, women in general are more backward compared to men. 

In order to tell traditionalism Whatifalthist goes as far as equating religion of celibate clergy with procreation and fertility. A clear fallacy as a traditional Christian is hardly an example of fertility or masculinity. Christian ideal man is basically sissy. Christianity forbids sex before marriage. Christianity worships Virgin Mary.

However, Whatifalthist takes this fallacy further by claiming that its modernity that prevents men from being interested in women. He falsefully implies that traditional Christian men will just jump on women like rabbits in heat.

That explanation is likely favored by women as that allows them to simply blame men and continue to ignore economic issues and their own unattractiveness.

In reality is the austerity ridden economy and overpopulation removes any insensitive to procreate. If poor economy does not allow one to support their children, then there is no point in looking for potential mate. It's the same in wild nature. For example, birds first secure the next before thinking of mating and laying eggs. A bird without secured nest will not seek potential partner. Similarly, a human without own home, will not seek to date or have children. A few idiots who breed without homes are exception. Read Maslov's Theory of Necessities. Back in the days boomers had easy access to homes so breeding was the only thing on their mind.

Ugliness of contemporary women does add to the problem. Contemporary fashion is indeed ugly, but most Christian attires are hardly any better. Most men will not go for an Amish looking women but neither their will go for a 2010s feminist. The most attractive modern attires were created on the turn of centuries Between 1996 and 2005 something. I know little of what was there before 1996, but what came after 2009 is as hideous as sin.

In fact, this socially progressive mess of feminism and multiculturalism is simply a continuation of Christianity by other means. It is Christianity that wanted to unite people with one religion for everyone. It is Christianity, that wish to break social and cultural borders with its religion.

Finally, it's not modernity that wants to destroy cultures and identities, but rather Christianity. It is Christianity who is forcing its worldview on everyone around it. Christians are intolerant of any opposing worldviews. 

Back in Roman times there were a lot of beautiful traditions and cultures. Diverse gods from all across Mediterranean were worshiped by different people in the Empire. With advent of Christianity, it all disappeared. Roman Empire itself fell shortly after. Golden Age of mankind ended in misery and barbarian oppression.

Of course, Rome was not perfect, but what replaced it was much worse. In fact, it's Christianization of Rome, that made it into ugly abomination, that collapsed within couple of centuries. Pagan Rome conquered the Mediterranea and build a Golden Age. A Christian Rome fell flat on itself and was destroyed by their own people.

Christianity vs Gnosticism

Finally, Whatifalthist makes many unfounded attacks against Gnosticism, linking it to modernity. Looking at it through its Christian orientation it becomes clear why. After all Gnosticism seeks to understand all there is to understand about the world. However, in doing so, they will inevitably discover the fallacy, Christianity tries to sell to the world. Thus, Christianity attaching Gnosticism is akin to a criminal who wants to silence the witness.

I do hope that Gnosticism will eventually prevail over the religion of misery, crooks and old people worship, Christianity is.

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