Monday, February 12, 2024

On Liminality Principle

I think we need a more complex system to categorize the world. Just dividing it into few blocks with strict boundaries overlooks countries that are hybrids of several different cultures, mixed together. 

The new system will have to have much more groups, with subgroups in some cases as well as liminality countries. That is countries that exist on the border between 2 worlds and exhibit qualities of both, such as Turkey for example. Turkey is Greek Muslim hybrid. Korea might be considered Japan/China hybrid. Kazakhstan is Russia/Central Asia hybrid and so on.

In fact, liminality and hybridization is something often overlooked by systems such as above. Many countries, including England, Russia and USA are fundamentally mix of several distinct cultures, integrated into a single new entity.

We can select out a few pure types, then use these to explain a more complex hybrid identity.

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