Tuesday, February 13, 2024

What if Russia seceded from the USSR, but all Other Republics Remained

A response to this.

Prussia leaving German Empire would make for more plausible scenario.

However, it depends if USSR leadership and army is intact or not. If they are intact, they will try to take as much of RSFSR back as possible.

If not, then local separatism would likely destroy the rest. If Russophones prevail in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Latvia, they might push of a continuation of Western USSR, turning them into a gigantic Transnistria with Minsk rather than Kyiv as capital, as Belarus is most loyal. However, separatism will be strong and likely supported by other nations. It will be like Yugoslavian wars. Eventually West USSR will have to accept independence of all but Ukraine and Belarus, who will be like Serbia and Montenegro. Then Ukraine will secede too, and Belarus will remain just like Serbia is nowadays. Belarus will also have to accept independence of Hrodna Oblast after a prolong conflict between Russophone and Belarussian speakers. Hrodna Republic will then try to unite with Lithuania. I wonder if Latvia will be organized under Dayton Agreement similar to Bosnia and Herzegovina, divided into Federation of Courland and Semigallia, Republika TransDaugavska and Riga Federal District. Ukraine too might get Daytoned and divided in Federation of Kyiavia and Galizia, Republika Novorossia and Dnipro (non-capital) district.

Central Asia will see Uzbekistan fighting for domination with Kazakhstan. The other 3 likely take Kazakh's side, but that would not guarantee their victory. West USSR will be too busy with internal problems to help them. China might interfere on behalf Kazakh centered East USSR and defeat Uzbeks, thus preserving the union in close to original form. Otherwise, Uzbeks will annex all the rest into Greater Uzbekistan and then begin Uzbekization program.

I do not think south Caucasus will manage to stay united. Armenia and Azerbaijan will fight over Karabakh, soliciting help from both East USSR and West USSR. Eventually Turkey will interfere, conquer and annex whole Armenia and then unite with Azerbaijan peacefully. Georgia might then Join West USSR, but likely they will be like North Macedonia, argue with the US state of Georgia over who has more claim to the name. Georgia would join the UN under Former Soviet Republic of Georgia. FSROG. Over the 30 years disagreement Georgia will rename its airport into King George's Airport and build him a statue in the middle of Tbilisi. Eventually they will reach an agreement to rename Georgia into East Georgia.

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