Wednesday, February 28, 2024

On Eastern and Western Mentality

That was more due to the fact that Kim did not attempt any dramatic change to the policy.

Dubcek did try altering policy and run country more like a Western European country across his borders, for example Austria or West Germany. That eventually attracted the invasion of USSR and Warsaw Pact.

In contrast all three Kims stick close to Soviet blueprint even after USSR no more. They have South Korea across their borders, however despite it being much more prosperous, they do not try to be like them. Some might say that it's because he is afraid to lose power in free elections.

Also, I do not think Yugoslavia was all that independent. They just pretended to not be with USSR so that they can manipulate non-Align movement and make it secretly pro-Soviet. Core of Yugoslavia was Serbia, and it stays stubbornly pro-Russian even if that attracts criticism from the US and European Union.

There is difference in assumption too.

Dubcek assumed that he and his people are free to run their country how its best for them. USSR went to show them its not and if their big neighbor is not happy, they can make things ugly and change leaders in Prague. That realization and invasion actually made Czechs hate USSR. That is why when USSR was collapsing in 1989, Czechs and the rest of Warsaw Pact ditched communism and went democratic. They still celebrate is as freedom.

Kim's on the other hand assume that China and USSR have to be appeased and kept happy in the first place. However, in a way it was the same for Korea during Chinese Empire time, they used to appease Chinese back then and continued afterwards. China in turn continued their goodwill towards them.

I guess this is a difference in Western and Eastern psychology. Do what is best for your vs being on a lookout for big neighbor.

Whole Warsaw Pact sit and waited for USSR to crook so that they could be free again. Many crossed the infamous Berlin Wall to be in the West and not be subject of this Soviet interference.

Or maybe not, Some defect from north Korea to south one. To freedom and prosperity or maybe there are some other reasons.

However, for example Japan on their islands likely to feel freer in that regard. China and even Mongols could not reach them, so they have no need to appease them.

Are the rest of the Asians hate them because they envy this security and freedom from China's influence, or there is some other reason?

However, they could instead hate China for telling them what to do.

Final note. That is also why Western men want Asian girlfriend over Western One. It seems Asian girl is more likely to work hard to please them, rather than do what she wants like Western one.

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