Sunday, March 3, 2024

Social-Alt-Libertarianism and All the Based Ideologies

Here is the list of all ideologies that I support and consider based. As well as the reasons for doing so.

The resulting mix of all these ideologies could be called Social-Alt-Libertarianism.

I can also call it Thorism, but that sounds too close to torysm, an ideology I passionately oppose. 


My core value has always been Individualism. Personal self-interest is most important thing for me. I do not trust ideologies that put community, family or authority above the individual. All of them lead to oppression and misery. 

However, on the simplest level, I do what I want, how I want, when I want.

I do not sacrifice for the sake of others, any others.

Nietzsche's Master Morality as well as Max Stirner thoughts, outline these Ideas as well. I am Egoist and proud of it.


Individual freedom must be safeguarded. One of the biggest threats to freedom is authoritarianism. Dictators who oppress people are easy to understand stereotype.

However, it does not end there. Any ideology that claims it knows better than individuals themselves and seeks to control what people say or do is a threat to individual freedom. For example, woke-ism and cancel-culture have absolutely no respect for individual freedom. All such ideologies have to be opposed.

People should not be told what to do. At the very least I should not be told what to do. I do not listen to what others say as all (vast majority) who disagree with me are idiots.


Wage-slavery is another threat to individual freedom. Reality is that people need money to afford food, various necessities and lead a comfortable life. Therefore, it's a government job to make sure people do not go without.

Situation where people have to do some work in order to survive is the antithesis of freedom. People who say stupid things, such as "no free lunch" or criticize "money for nothing" are enemies of freedom and closet tories. 

Universal Basic Income is the best way to ensure that people have the money they need. It eschews unnecessary eligibility bureaucracy of traditional welfare and provides money directly to people who need them. 


If you combine strong individual freedom with welfare state, you get Social-Libertarianism. Civil Freedom, Individual Freedom, Business Freedom and Universal Basic Income to prevent wage slavery and dependency.

Out of relatively mainstream politicians in the US or Anglophone countries only Andrew Yang champions these views. 

However, most Pirate Parties of the world are broadly social libertarian in their ideology and policies. While many are not represented in parliaments, there are exceptions. In Czech Republic Pirate Party is in government, they are also having mayor of their capital Prague. Icelandic Pirate Party is in parliament with a significant fraction.

Pirate Party Politics

Pirate Party began as a movement against copyright takedowns by RIAA and other such organizations. Pirate party oppose copyright laws on ground of civil liberties. Overtime it grew to champion other causes, that are popular with internet-native mostly young people. 

The party and movement are broadly socially-libertarian in character.

There are Pirate Parties all over the world, organized in Pirate International. In some of these countries, Pirates are in government.

Patriarchy - Male Supremacy

This one seems to generate the most outrage from various quarters.

Afghanistan did create some outrage in the world by enforcing male supremacy rule on a few dissenting women in their country. However, fact, these stoning only happen because Taliban had to undo the reforms of Babrak Karmal and Najibullah, and their communist Soviet masters.

Male dominated relationships between genders are actually very common throughout the world. Japan, India, Pakistan, Arab countries all practice it. In fact, this is how the majority of the world is. In these countries male authority is never questioned by women so no stoning and such happens. And they all are happy and content with all that, look at Bollywood movies for example.

Feminism is a failure. It is abhorrent to me on personal level, but it also creates failed societies, like the one of former-USSR. High diverse rates, lots of single mothers, male alcoholism and biggest disparity between male and female life expectancy are all due to feminism. Feminism is mortal enemy of men everywhere.

The only other societies where women hold significant power are some African failed states, where tyranny and constant civil war is norm of the day. Only completely braindead feminism would say that Robert Kony is better than Taliban, yet if you ask Antifa they will likely back Kony over Talibs. We should oppose feminism to prevent our society devolving into an African failed state.

So, it is a question of very issue of male survival to oppose feminism and women rights at every opportunity with all we got.


This one is simply a combination of Yang and Pirate Parties Social-Libertarianism with Alt-right, Patriarchy and Male-Supremacy policies. 

Some misguided idiots call it fascism or nazi. However, it's the very same idiots who participate in Antifa and for whom everything that is not feminist is fascist. 

Antifa are the only actual Nazis we have in modern society, feminazis. Their bigotry and hate are a poison than makes our society worse. 

Feminazi and Antifa thugs have no place in our society. They do not respect human rights, so they in turn should not be given any respect either. Society will be better and safer for everyone if we eliminate Antifa's Feminazis. The only place for Antifa Feminazi is gas chambers and graveyard prison.

Welfare Chauvinism

This has two purposes. One is to ensure male domination in society and the other one is practical considerations.

I talked about reasons why male dominated society is better and necessary for our survival. Thus, welfare should be for men only. Women should be made dependent on men and forced to accept male authority in all things.

The second issue is a capacity to actually provide care and services. There is so much wealth every country can produce so it cannot be squandered carelessly. 

Most of the prosperous countries in the world have very small population as well as population density. That means they need to divide the resources they have between much less people.

Because of that it is essential that we keep the population levels on comfortable sustainable levels. We should stop rewarding people for having more babies and begin penalizing them for doing so instead.

While a level of personal comfort should be every individual's human right. Right to have 5 kids is not. Only people who can provide their children with decent standards of living should be allowed to have children at all. 

That can produce insensitive for some people to work harder in order to earn enough money to support a child.

Once again bad parents should be penalized for treating children badly and standards for child welfare should be increased.

Finally elderly care is undue waste of our limited resources. Keeping some 80s something alive with expensive surgeries and nursery home care is the most retarded thing, society can do. Only few exceptional individuals (less than 0.1% percent of total population) can be given such expensive privilege. The rest should be given a painless and humane euthanasia so they can die with dignity while they are still humans, rather than a barely alive lump of flesh. If a 75+ person cannot take care of themselves, it should be clear euthanasia.

Globalism - Neoliberalism

World is full of oppressive inhuman regimes, sometime run downright insane dictators. These places have no respect for human rights, human dignity and everything that is good and just that I outlined above or further below.

Thus, we should fight tyranny and oppression and spread our Social-Alt-Libertarianism to these places.

World is not safe until people like Kim Jong Un, Alexander Lukashenka or average African dictator oppress people daily. It is up to NATO and other Euro-Atlantic Institutions to fix that.

For Social-Alt-Libertarian world.


Enlightenment was a collection of thoughts that allowed Europe and broader Western world to shed its own authoritarian feudal past and finally become the prosperous modern society we know it today. This was a starting point of the great society of freedom and human dignity that we sometimes take for granted nowadays.

Back in 18th century few intellectuals such as myself gathered in coffee houses to discuss society, concluded that it was a mess and started to think of the ways to fix it. Nietzsche, Stirner, but also Marx came out of these circles. Some of these, for example Marx were heavily misinterpreted and corrupted by communists: communists call themselves Marxists despite Marx himself condemned and decried their ideology. Some others were misinterpreted as well, for example Nietzsche was not a Nazi as some claim.

Few understand what Enlightenment even was, and some might want to misuse this term for their own nefarious ideologies, such as communism.

Thus, we also need to make sure that ideology is formulated well enough to avoid misinterpretation.

Transhumanism - Futurism

I am man of the future, of the internet and technology. I do not want to return to stone age or even preserve some nonsense from 60s like some other idiots do nowadays.

We should work to create individualist technogenic male dominated utopia, not preserve times of medieval robber barons or 20th century totalitarian dictators like Stalin, Mao Zedong or Pol Pot.

Past belongs to museums and history books. We need no living fossils.

In future robots would do all the work and we would rule the universe and be free to do whatever we please.

For out better future.


Hedonism is the end goal of it all I would say. That is why I placed it last. The most important thing in life is maximization of pleasure and minimization of pain. The rest of the ideologies above all lead to this outcome.


These are the most important ideologies out there and the only truly based ones.

In the past I could consider something like co-op economy, but in fully automated future such arrangements are completely redundant.

Another reasonably interesting ideology I did not listed here is Georgism. Taxing land usage is one way for equitable society where the more land and real estate one owns, the more one has to pay tax. However, it can create unreasonable complications further down the road. 

Ideally, we can have a society where everyone can own some land, however if that is unachievable, then Georgism is the way forward.

These 11 ideologies are the way towards better future for us all. The sooner society realizes it, the better.

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