Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Retarded and Evil Ideologies

I guess there is no light without shadow. Certain things are better defined by what they oppose then by what they stand for. Some ideologies are not that good, but also not that bad either. However, there are few that are completely retarded So I will list here a few ideologies that I consider to be exceptionally retarded and pointless.


That is no surprise considering that I support Patriarchy and manosphere. Feminism makes women unattractive and undesirable. Stuff like body or face shape, make up and clothes are all secondary to this simple question: does she obeys my orders? 

I want obedient docile women who will do as I say, never argue with me or talk back. As simple as that. So, no empowered women.

There are plenty of sub ideologies in feminism, such as matriarchy, that are even more reprehensible that feminism. However, this feminism is a root cause of all these women centered nonsense. 


This one is nearly self-exploratory. I believe in individual freedom to do as I see fit. I do want anything to control me. Thus, a totalitarian state is the opposite of things I want in life.


Kraterocracy is a system that makes everyone but few powerful people miserable and unhappy. There is always someone stronger than you. Even if by the off chance you will end up on top, you will still have to zealously guard your position of power by mercilessly eliminating all who can threaten you.

Eventually the country under Kraterocracy will become an inversion of itself where only weak and stupid who can never challenge the power of the elite can live. Then it will fall behind in technology and will eventually be conquered by its neighbors.

USSR went through that during Stalin time, then turned into Gerontocracy and eventually emerged as mafia capitalism Russia.


Idea that old age or experience somehow makes one smarter is ludicrous. Old people in power would simply bleed the country dry by syphoning its wealth for preservation of their useless lives. The medicine to keep some 80s something idiot alive is not cheap.

Natural Law Theory and Virtue Ethics

Natural Law is nothing more than a hypocrisy and spook designed to take certain rules outside of public debate. Most of the time it simply serves interests of old people at expense of the young.

So called "natural law" does nothing more than rob people of their freedom to act as they see fit.
Virtue ethics are one of the expressions of such "natural law". Most of the "virtues" favor old people and old people's interests at expense of the young.


Theoretical conservatism is an ideology designed around the above mentioned "virtue" ethics, "natural law" and other spooks of Gerontocracy. It does nothing more than stagnates society for the benefit of the old people.

If Capitalism, despite some flaws, at least produces something, then Conservatism is completely useless. Its aim is to waste and sacrifice energies of the young people for the benefit of the old.

Relatively innocent at first glance, its pure evil on the inside.

Paleo Conservatism and Paleo Libertarianism

With Paleo Conservatism it seems simply a logical extension to my opposition to normal conservatism. Paleo Con is reactionary and wants to take society back to 19th century. It's worse than normal conservatism because it actively works to make things worse and recreate illiberal authoritarian society where people's lives were controlled by petty authority figures and eliminate all that liberalism managed to achieve since 19th century.

However, this Paleo plague does not limit itself to just conservatism, but branched out into Paleo Libertarianism and even Anarcho-Capitalism is now plagued with Hoppesian paleo-ism. Paleo Libertarianism is oxymoron and have nothing to do with actual Libertarianism, so are Hoppesian thoughts. They are nothing but henchman of landlords and do nothing to advance freedom.

Christian Theocracy

Christianity is the final spook of the Gerontocracy.

I do not believe in god, but there is more to it than just that. Christianity is a religion that propagates and glorifies misery and pain through preaching of self-denial in the name of god. Everything Christianity teaches is against human nature and will make life miserable. 

One might say why not leave them alone, however there is one reason why. Because of the devout Christians who are willing to put up with any shit, living standards have fallen for the rest of us. If there is a guy who believes that working is his moral obligation and willing to do it for free there is no need to hire a person who wants to be paid. People like that ruin labor market for the rest of us who wants decent pay to afford better things in life.

Collectivism and Communalism

Collectivism and Communalism that places interests of the group above those of the individual is the biggest enemy of freedom. These people would take freedom away, thinking they are doing a good thing.

Many among communists were collectivists, you can see for yourself where it took them. North Korea and Cuba are prime examples of places where "common good" rules and achieved no good for population. Health Care and Education does not replace consumption and hedonism.

The extreme version of their ideology is called hivemind, they literary aim to make people like bees and society like beehive.


Stalinism is a horrendous ideology that managed to combine worst parts Krarerocracy, Social Darwinism, Totalitarism, Theocracy and Communism together. Even other radical communists, such as Trotskyists criticize it. 

Unfortunately, it is this variant that spread across the globe and caused countless atrocities even in places like Cambodia during Pol Pot times.

Churchill once said that he would work even with Soviets to defeat Nazi, I would much rather work with Nazi to defeat this abomination. 


Letting newsmakers control what people know and think it horrible idea that will eventually corrupt them. Murdoch Press are one such example, however there are many worse than him. Paired with censorship, control over internet and information Mediacracy will turn into literal totalititarianism. Putinism, China and North Korea managed to turn themselves into autocratic hellholes only thanks to Mediacracy.

Extreme Eco-Green

I am not a supporter of various ecological initiative, if they compromise quality of life even slightest. Bans on plastic bags and other form of plastic are completely retarded and should never have occurred.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with electric cars and renewable energy. More cars and energy are always better.


Technology makes life better, period. I do not want to live in some mud hut in some shitty stinky forest surrounded by nature. I want to live in a state of art glass and plastic uber-computerized super-home where I can get anything I want by simply pressing some buttons. 


Ascetism is fundamental enemy of Hedonism and therefore evil. There is nothing worse than to deny yourself pleasure.


There are probably many more retarded ideologies out there, but these are the worst of them all.

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