Thursday, April 11, 2024

Artificially Created Jobs Breed Torism and Employee Abuse

Some may argue that jobs provide people with dignity and means. However, that can only be applied to necessary non artificial jobs in low unemployment economy. Only under such conditions there exist parity between employee and the manager. In such a situation manager cannot afford to lose an employee if he is too hard to replace due to either low employment of rare skills the employee possess. Only under these conditions does employee possess negotiation power to negotiate better wages and working conditions.

Such conditions cannot be replicated if government created jobs artificially. Management in such jobs know that it does not matter if no one does this job, so they can act abusively and exploitatively towards employee. After all, if employee quits or fired due to a disagreement with management then management does not lose anything, and employee loses source of income. That is doubly damaging if economy is poor, unemployment is high, and it's hard-to-found new job. Managers of such jobs can go on extensive power trips with no repercussions.

Because of all of the above having a artificially created job devolves into literal masochism that tramples on the very dignity it was supposed to provide. People are much better off on a dole or dead than to be employed under such conditions.

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