Saturday, June 1, 2024

Gender War, SJW vs Alt-X

I noticed that one particular issue that is not represented on political compass in any meaningful way. That is issue of gender war between Feminism together with Social (in)Justice Warriors (SJW) on one side and Men's Rights together with Alt-Right on another.

Name Alt-Right gives impression that it is right wing ideology, but that is incorrect. We equally oppose feminists and cuckservatives. That makes us neither left not right in traditional meaning of the word. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to call us Alt-Unity or Alt-X. We are alternative and opposition to SJW and feminism. The only way we are right it that we are opposite of wrong, that SJW are.

So, pick your side and vote on your case. 

We have three options on either side, that vary in degree of radicalism and opposition to the opponent. 

On Alt Side we have:

Men's Rights (Manosphere) empathize issues that Male gender faces and want to fix society so that men could live in it more effectively. Manosphere consists of men who see how things really are as well as women who are sympathetic to male problems and do not hate men.

Alt-Lite is watered down version of Alt-Right, after feminists and SJW started falsely accusing Alt-Right of being racist and Nazi, some decided to distance themselves from the original movement and started to call themselves Alt-Lite.

Finally, right most is Alt-Unity(Right). This is the original movement that resists SJW and feminists' insanity and tries to make society work for men. We are as straightforward as out black and white flag is. We want a society where men rule and women are naturally subservient to them. We are willing to learn from societies that got it gender relationship right, such as Japanese, Indians and Muslims. We try to fix what SJW and feminists have broken.

On the opposite side we have:

Feminism claims they want equality but in reality, they just push for narrow female interests and ignore men and their needs. They do not respect freedom of speech and call people they disagree with nazi, racists, sexist and incel.

Radical Feminism is the more radical version of the above.  They hate men and want to make society revolve around women and their whimsical self-serving misandrist agenda. They consist of angry ugly women and brainwashed self-hating men.

Finally left most is Social inJustice Warriors (SJW). They are crazy Woke radicals and gender traitors, who support every crazy social cause out there, such as BLM. They are cucks who would support so-called "social justice" and women freedom even if she cheats on him with African American person and give birth to black baby.

So here is your breakdown.

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