Thursday, December 26, 2024

On Moralism and Ethics in Politics


To me anti-Trump hysteria was always baffling. Sure, you might oppose different politicians for various reasons, you might even lie to help your side win. However, things, Trump opponents say about him go much further than that. Listening to them make you think they are raving mad. Donald Trump is intelligent person who can think outside of the box and create original solutions. He is unconventional sure, but he is nor retarded, nor he is nazi or a dictator. Yet his numerous opponents will not shut up about how Donald Trump evil and what not. That raises question: why?

The answer is moral and ethics. Whenever some raving mad psychos condemn someone to be evil incarnate with self-righteous indignation, these two things are to blame. 

Trump is objectively better than Hillary Clinton or Kamalla Harris, but Trump is unethical and raving mad moralists yell on every corner how we should elect one of these unelectable women over the unethical dude who is objectively better. If you disagree, they call you deplorable and try to cancel you.

However, if voting for Hillary is the only ethical choice, they ethics themself are evil. They preclude you from voting for your best choice in favor of a bad one. Ethics is merely a tool to make people vote and act against their self-interest.

Who does ethics serve them. Your enemies: Russia, women, elderly. Evil people created ethics to justify their evil and unfair dealing. They steal from you, put a yoke on your neck and call it ethics.

In view of all that it is truly fortunate that in the US election reason and logic prevailed over ethics and moral. Good people have won. Raving mad moralists were defeated.

However, the very fact that moralists managed to get this close to power is alarming. We were dangerously close to moralistic dictatorship, where some sort of unelected, undemocratic and illiberal ethics committee gets to dictate everything. Dystopian worlds of 1984 or even Shinsekai Yori were close to being implemented in our own world and lives. 

Trump election in the US is not the only example of a similarly ethically charged contest. Yeltsin in Russia was a similar example. Yeltsin had to navigate dangerous times and fix the country and economy, broken by communists. It was a job someone like Putin would be completely incapable of. Yet despite Yeltsin managing it, raving mad commies kept calling him a bandit and demanded his resignation. Moralistic loonies even ally literal neo-Nazi to take Yeltsin down and failed. Even nowadays the moralists keep kicking this now dead lion, who was too manganous to squish them when he was in power.

Another, perhaps less dramatic example, was Ronald Reagan. Certain section of the left keeps blaming him for everything even nowadays. All that despite the fact that Reagan won his reelection with record high vote.

All that gives hope that really good politicians who represent silent majority and not the raving mad yelling ethics zealots can take power and make life better for us all.

However ethical and moralistic evil always lurks around the corner and plot to once again seize power and do evil, while calling it ethics. Their existence makes me fear for the future and liberty of our society. 

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