Thursday, June 6, 2024

Most Based Ideology Based on PollCompBallAnarchy Elimination Game

Now, if Kakistocracy rules this sub, then the most sane and based ideology is the one it removed in the very beginning. Surprisingly enough it's a Socialism. National Socialism to be precise. I congratulate NatSoc with this honor.

Reviled by both left and right, he nonetheless managed to achieve a lot in his lifetime, including many technological breakthroughs that advanced our civilization. Right would again prat about taxes, interventionalism, socio-economic change and its anti-Christian neo-pagan mysticism. Left would call it not real "socialism" because its ok to identify as trans but not ok for NatSoc to identify socialist.

Do not blame me for saying that, its objective reality.

If anything, I sympathize with NatSoc simply because how hated it is, much of which is undeserved.

Now honorary mentions of most based and worst ideologies of each row and column

Authoritarian Topmost Row: NatSoc was eliminated first, so it's the most based authoritarian ideology. In contrast Marxism-Leninism was eliminated last on the top row on day 12, making it the most retarded authoritarianism out there.

Authoritarian Second Row: State Liberalism was eliminated first on this row on day 5 making it the most based. Titoism was last to be eliminated on this row very late on turn 30.

Authoritarian Third Row: Neoconservatism was first to be eliminated on this row on day 17. Distributism was the last to be eliminated on day 56.

Center Authoritarian Row: Reactionary Liberalism was first to be eliminated on this row on day 21. Last to go was Left Wing Populism on day 47.

Libertarian Bottom Most Row: Anarcho-Capitalism was the first to be eliminated on day 10. Mutualism was the last to be eliminated on day 50.

Libertarian Bottom Second Row: Hoppeanism was the first to be eliminated on day 13, However I believe that Ayn Rand's Objectivism that was eliminated on day 18, creating a hole on the compass is more deserving than Hoppeanism. Civil Libertarianism was the last to be eliminated on day 58.

Libertarian Bottom Third Row: Paleo Libertarianism was eliminated on day 23. However, that was more of a donkey vote to clean up right edge rather than principal opposition to this particular ideology. 

Center Libertarian Row: Neo Libertarianism was first to be eliminated on this row on day 25

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