Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Why both Left and Right are Bad in Their Own Way

Politics are often described as contest between left and right. On extreme ends both accuse the other one of being near devil incarnate and often they are both right. Certain core members of both left and right are hate able and despicable each in their own way. I will use American left and right as an example. Not all members of either Republicans or Democrats are like that, but at their worst they are as follows.

American Right

American right is hypocritical, dishonest and regularly uses double standards. 

Typical rightist has what they got by inheriting wealth from their parents without any effort or merit on their part. At the same time, they think that people, whose parents are not as rich as theirs, are poor because they are lazy and not because they had not because they had no wealth or skills to inherit. They support measures to cut all government support to them and force them to starve.

Typical rightists support stricter laws and punishments for crime, especially crimes against property. They believe home invaders, rapists and thieves should be punished by death, but at the same time think that killing an invader in self-defense is heroic and should be defended. Clearly some lives worth more than others. Especially those who own property.

Life is precious for rightists, but only until it's born. Killing adults or kids in self-defense if they break into one's property is not a murder, but aborting an undeveloped fetus is.

Rightists want women to first bear and then care for their babes for 18+ years. They will support forced insemination of women if they could come up with a reasonably sound argument for that.

Rightists do not want to pay any taxes to fund the government yet at the same time want law and government to protect their property ostensively for free. 

Rightists claim to be Christian, but all their believes contradict Christianity. Jesus was generous and gave helped the poor, charity is one of heavenly virtues. Typical rightists think poor people are poor due to their own fault and do not deserve any help. Jesus did not respect property rights, broke into a Jewish temple and was later executed for that. Rightists think that property rights are the most important of all rights. Finally, Jesus was Middle Eastern, but rightists hate people from Middle East.

Rightists like to mock and laugh at those who are less fortunate. Terms like "white trash" and such an example of this attitude. They often hate people for their misfortune and will kick a lying person without much remorse.

Fundamentally rightists think they are special privileged class and everyone else exist only to serve them. They should accept second class role and serve the master class without even thinking that such caste system is unfair or desire to be treated equally.

Rightists' views are not only exclusively self-serving, but also narrowminded. They often fail to even understand demographics that are not like their own. That prevents them from expanding their party support base to these groups. Their shortsighted views at taxation and government will lead towards them simply paying protection racket to mafia instead of tax to government if they even keep their property without government protection.

Most right supporters are men. If women do support right, that is more often than not due to racism. For men it is instead level of wealth that determines their support for the right.

American Left

When it comes to left, men and women has to be analyzed separately.

When it comes to leftist women it's all Freudean and Jungian.  

American leftist woman if an emotional creature who thinks with her vagina. All her views are based on her carnal (sexual) desires. Leftie women crave big dick. She believes blacks have bigger dicks than whites, so she hates white people and "supports" black people instead. 

All her views and causes she supports are based on sexual desires. Black Lifes Matter not because blacks are persecuted by the system or what not, but simply because they crave big black dick. The same with any other movement or believe.

Such women typically yell racism, sexism and other such unintelligibly crazy things. They claim to support "socialism", yet they have not even a basic idea what socialism even is. They just heard its anti-racist, so they think it will give them more black dicks.

Lefty women value men based on their heights as well as size of their dicks and muscles. Many would unironically support a social system where these factors alone would determine ones standing and status in society. They would even call it "meritocracy".

Some lefty women also entertain the idea of some form of primitivism or kraterocracy where people fight to death for power and status. They think it will make stronger men with bigger dicks rule society.

When it comes to leftist men, then it's a mix bag of people who have next to nothing in common with each other.

Only some are simps who simply agree with anything a woman say. Out of those some stupidly believe that it will get them laid and others have some unwarranted admiration for female genders.

Most others are genuine supporters of various ideologies that Dems claim to support. Liberals and socialists support left because they think Dems are serious about implementing these ideologies and policies. This group is rather numerous as shows Bernie Sanders primary results. Some of these get disillusioned and split into independent third parties, like Andrew Yang. Other still stick with Dems as a special interest group.

Finally, there are those who have no understanding of Dems true nature and support them due to being poorly informed. The fact that Republicans are not a very welcoming group and scares people off with their antics only adds members to this group.

Independents and Synthesis

Since you cannot possibly like or sympathize with either of these two groups if you are not one of them, then your only choice during the election is to vote for a group you currently hate less than the alternative. 

The one that is hated less will get elected this electoral cycle. In four or so years when public will get tired of their BS, they will vote for an alternative again. The alternative will again stay in power until public is tired of alternative BS and will get the original bastards back in.

In a presidential race, the one who is less typical representative of their group compared to their opponent will always win the race. Barack Obama won against Mitt Romney, because Obama was less of a typical Dem compared to Romney being a typical Rep. Trump won against Hillary because he was less of a typical Rep compared to Hillary being a typical Dem. So on and so on.

That will likely continue until some kind anti-duopoly revolution will get rid of them both. Just to think of something: nobles and king of France got beheaded during French Revolution for being much lesser cunts compare to these two groups. It is truly a mystery they managed to keep it up for this long.

Not left, not right, but Forward, vote Andrew Yang.

Why both Left and Right are Bad in Their Own Way

Politics are often described as contest between left and right. On extreme ends both accuse the other one of being near devil incarnate and ...